Saturday, June 11, 2011

Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin

This is a special blog that is completely dedicated to (whether he likes it or not) a special friend of mine who turns to the magic number of 40 this week. I am definitely not going to reveal his name and if some smart-ass tries to guess it based on the heading, my curse will turn them 40 immediately.
Well you might have received a lot of wishes by now, that painfully reminds you that you have turned into a middle-aged person and cannot pass for a kid who completed college, but I hope you look at the bright side.
A wise man once said, "Tens is the time when you count your age by the candies, Teens is when you count it by your marks - or the lack of it, Twenties is when you count it by the number of your girl friends, Thirties is when you forgot to count because of your new wife and kids, Forties is when you count it by the dollars you earn and the ones in the pipeline".
When I think of you the things that come to mind is your sincerity not just towards your family and friends, but also the pains that you take to organize the special get-togethers that we have. Sincere, meticulous and very organized in all your endeavors - be it personal or professional. I don't know how you consistently do it but something that other people (including me) envy about you.
So while you start watching your carbs, while you start to think that the dress worn by the girls nowadays are totally atrocious, while you are afraid that you are about to dehydrate when you play tag with your kid and all the other little things that keep you busy from thinking that you have - well - turned 40 - I wish you a very happy and a jolly birthday.


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice ones Sai, keep it going...

One day articels will be considered like Art Buchwald's syndicated political satires.....


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